Corpus Christi Blog

Wait, long for Him

11-30-2014HomiliesFr. Chad King

So ready or not, here we are beginning the Season of Advent, the time of waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.    Both of our 1st and 2nd readings use the word ‘wait’.  Our 1st reading says, “No ear has ever heard, no eye ever seen, any God but you doing such deeds for those who wait for him.”  What this is saying is that God will do something mighty, something we could not even imagine, if only we wait for him.  And our 2nd reading promises that in Jesus Christ we are enriched in every way, “so that we are not lacking in any spiritual gift as we wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  There it is again; wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We are to wait until Jesus reveals himself. 

Wait.  Waiting.  That is something difficult for us human beings to do.  I see people waiting at the bus stop, looking every few seconds to see if the bus was coming yet.  People will push the elevator button several times, thinking that somehow that will speed it up.  It is hard to wait even 1 minute in the cashier line.  In this society of instant gratification, waiting is something that is almost against our human nature.  But yet, waiting is something we Christians are called to do, especially in our readings today.  And if we are honest with ourselves, it is hard for us to wait on God.  Don’t we expect God to act quickly on our behalf, and if we think it is taking too long for God to answer us, then we will try to handle it ourselves.  We’ll take the lead in what we think is best for us, instead of waiting and trusting God will act. 

So how do we wait, how do we have patience and trust?  Let us look at our readings again for insight.  Our Gospel says that we are not just to wait, just idly wasting time- but we are called to watch.  We are called to be vigilant and alert, to watch as if anticipating something will happen.  And as our 1st reading says, to wait, to watch in anticipation of something amazing to happen in our midst--something so amazing that no ear has heard or eye has seen.  If we are expecting something amazing to happen, then we will wait.  We’ll wait in line for that blockbuster movie premier, or ride at Disneyland.  We’ll wait in line, even overnight, for the great seats at the concert or game.  On black Friday, there were people waiting for the doors to open at the retail store to take advantage of great sales.  Therefore, if it is something that is beyond ourselves, something we really are looking forward to, if it is something that we think is really good for us, then we’ll wait without a problem. 

Now let us apply that to our Spiritual lives.  Perhaps one reason it is hard for us to wait on God is because, deep down, we really don’t believe in a God who is beyond ourselves?  We human beings often have the mentality that can trust no-one but ourselves; that we can do whatever we really want. Too often we think we can save ourselves. Think about those who are addicted to alcohol or drugs, addicted to pornography, or sex, even those addicted to shopping.  Whatever the addiction is, the very definition of an addiction is something that is beyond their control.   And the first of the 12 steps is to admit that they are addicted, that they cannot save themselves, and that there is a higher power who can save them.   Every one of us is addicted to something.  It may or may not be as serious as alcohol or pornography.  But in every one of us there is some sin in our lives that controls us--after all that is what sin does-- it takes away our freedom.  What sin in your life are you addicted to, perhaps what sin do you routinely confess over and over again?  Is it gossip, is it critical or judgmental thinking?  Is it harboring negative feelings or thoughts toward others?  Is it a lack of really trusting in God in prayer? 

Where are you in that sin which controls you? Are you at rock-bottom, do you admit that you cannot save yourself, that you cannot stop thinking or acting that way on your own?  This season of Advent is to get us to hit rock-bottom, to stop trying to save ourselves and to confess our human weaknesses to the all-powerful God, and to call on him to save us.  And this Advent you will have plenty of opportunities to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and confess to God your weaknesses, particularly at our Penance Service.  Or if it has been a long time and you feel you need more personal time, I am available by appointment.

Or maybe it is hard for us to wait for God because we do not really believe in a God who can or who wants to act on our behalf and for our good?  Some people are able to wrap their heads, and maybe their hearts, around a God or higher power that is beyond them.  But it is yet another step, another act of faith to believe and act as if that God knows us personally, knows what is good for us, what we really need, and who wants to give that to us.  Do you believe God really knows you, knows exactly what you need, what is really good for you?  Do you believe in a God who can and wants to give you only what is for your good, what you really need?  My brothers and sisters, our God is not just that which is beyond us, the all-powerful being, but our God is an all-knowing personal God who will come down to us from heaven.  He really is a God who knows and loves each of us deeply, and who intimately wants us to be in Communion with Him.  Do you believe in a God who loves you deeply, who does not want to leave you in your unforgiveness, in your shame and guilt? Do you believe in a personal God who knows you intimately and yet who loves you unconditionally?  ...Now, did you answer that from what you’ve been told in your head or did you answer that from your heart?  This season of Advent is a time for us to come to know God who does love us in such a real and personal way.  We are called to submit ourselves to this loving God, and to surrender our weaknesses and our needs to Him.          

But getting past that sin that we are addicted to, that sin that has a hold of us, to gain the control back for ourselves is not something that we do ourselves.  We cannot save ourselves, but we have to humbly surrender and submit our inabilities in prayer to God.  We cannot save ourselves, but we can and must open ourselves to our Redeemer.  We cannot attain the deeper relationship with God that we might want on our own.  We cannot  make ourselves holy, we cannot even pray as we ought on our own.  My brothers and sisters, prayer, holiness, is not anything we attain on our own, it is only a gift received by God.  It is not what we do; it is what we allow God to do in us. Surrender wherever you are in your relationship with God. If you don’t have a deep desire to pray, surrender that and ask him for the deeper longing for Him.  If you don’t make the time to pray consistently or long enough, surrender that to Him.  If you have a hard time really being vulnerable and intimate with God in prayer and so you keep yourself busy in your prayer time, surrender that hesitancy to God. 

And I know of no better way to allow us to grow in these areas of our Spiritual life than in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.  God invites you and I encourage you, to spend time with Him face to face, heart to heart, in intimate prayer.  If you feel the Holy Spirit tugging on your heart right now, then take a step.  Especially knowing how difficult it is to stay faithful when we get busy in our week, will you take time to schedule it today?  Often times if we don’t schedule it, we won’t do it.  Stop by the table in the back and sign up to become a committed Adorer, you can pick the time that is best for you.  However, you will see we particularly need people committed once a week to the late night or early morning times.  Perhaps your schedule allows it, or God is calling you to sacrifice yourself in that way for Him.  Often times, that is the best and least distracting time to pray.

Regardless of the time, will you commit yourself to God in such a way that you become a Committed Adorer?  Even if you don’t fully believe in His Real Presence in the Eucharist, no matter where you are in your relationship with God in prayer right now, will you take a step today to grow?  God accepts and loves you wherever you are at--ask for a deeper desire for Him. Ask for the ability to forgive yourself or others. Pray that you may know His love for you in a deeper way. Pray that He may reveal yourself and Himself to you more clearly.  Join me in praying with our Psalm: “Lord, make us turn to you, let us see your face and we shall be saved”.