Communal Prayer Opportunities at Corpus Christi

Novenas are wonderful ways to gather as a family of families to pray for each other and our own needs & intentions. Please join us in the church to pray the rosary, litany of the particular saint, and other devotions as we pray novenas throughout the year.

Watch our Flocknote, website, and bulletin communications as well as announcements at Mass for upcoming novenas. Times for evening gatherings are listed for each novena as well as a link to sign up to lead one evening or submit your prayer intentions.

Nine Days of Prayer: Why Pray Novenas?

Imagine this: With some trepidation about their future, a small band of people with a newfound faith commit to a period of intense prayer, out of obedience to their spiritual master. He has left them seemingly on their own, promising something big on the horizon.

After they follow their leader’s instructions for nine days, God answers their prayers by acting in a singularly dramatic, transformative way. And the world is never the same again.

That’s precisely what happened to Our Lady, the apostles and the other early disciples of Our Lord. After His ascension they prayed, waited and perhaps even felt some anxiety over “losing” Him again.

But they also trusted and persevered. In the end, He rewarded them on the Day of Pentecost with the coming of the Advocate He had promised, the Holy Spirit (see Acts 1:1–2:4).

Jesus had instructed His followers to pray, and they obeyed. They were not disappointed.

Those nine days of prayer can be seen as the model for the Catholic tradition of the novena. A novena (from the Latin novem, “nine”) is a prayer, or set of prayers, prayed for nine days, hours, weeks or even months.

It is often prayed for a specific intention or grace and may be directed to particular saints for their intercession.

By Karen Edmisten. Read more here.

Schedule of Novenas

Novena Dates
9Days for Life January 19 – 27
Our Lady of Lourdes February 2 – 11
Blessed Michael McGivney March 20 – 29
Divine Mercy April 7 – 16
St. Joseph the Worker April 22 – May 1
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit May 19 – 28
Corpus Christi June 1 – 10
Our Lady of the Rosary September 28 – October 7
Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception November 29 – December 8