Baby Safe Haven

Have you heard any of the stories from around the country or right here in Arizona about newborn babies left in dumpsters, behind buildings, or simply abandoned somewhere out of sight?


Passed in 2001, Arizona’s Safe Haven Law states that a parent or designated agent will not face criminal charges for anonymously relinquishing an unharmed infant up to 30 days old, with a designated Safe Haven provider, including hospitals, fire stations, on-duty firefighters or emergency medical technicians, and designated private welfare agencies, adoption agencies and churches.

Corpus Christi is now one of those churches! Undoubtedly, many questions arise and we want to provide information about what it means to be a Baby Safe Haven site. Most importantly, we want all of our parishioners to be aware of the Safe Haven Law and that this is one of the many efforts being made to foster a culture of life in our parish and our community.

For the sake of all unmarried mothers, young mothers, or scared mothers who think they have nowhere to turn, please learn more about the Safe Haven Law, local pro-life clinics, and resources available to those in need. As Father Zachary reminded us, “We love the mothers. We love the babies. We are here to help.”


Q: Where are the designated safe haven locations?
A: Corpus Christi Catholic Church is a Safe Baby Haven location!

The following are also safe haven locations:

  • Any Hospital
  • Any On-Duty Fire Station
  • Any On-Duty EMT
  • Adoption Agency with signage
  • A Church with signage

Q: Who may relinquish the newborn infant at a designated safe haven location?
A:  A parent or agent of the parent

Q: Will questions be asked?
A:  As long as the baby is unharmed and appears healthy, no questions asked!

PLEASE NOTE: Safe Haven location providers may ask questions regarding health of baby, past family medical history and prenatal care for the newborn.

Q: What does a person do, or say, when dropping off baby at Corpus Christi Catholic Church?
A:  The infant must be physically handed over to a staff member who must be told that the infant is being handing over according to safe haven law.

Q: What if someone tries to surrender an infant to a parishioner who is not a staff member?
A:  Do NOT receive the infant. Please locate the nearest staff member (on Saturday or Sunday, this would be any of our priests or Matthew Henry, our Director of Music) or direct the person to the Parish Office (weekdays from 9am to 5pm ONLY.)

Q: What happens to after an infant is relinquished at Corpus Christi?
A:  The staff will immediately contact the nearest fire station to have them come pick up the baby. They will transport the baby to a hospital where it will be properly cared for and transitioned to an agency for adoption.

Q: How can I help?
A:  Awareness of the Safe Haven Law is crucial to ending infant abandonment. Please learn more about Safe Baby Haven locations and share this information with your family, friends, and coworkers. The information you share could save the life of a newborn baby!