Youth Ministry Sacramental Preparation Classes
Meeting Time: Sundays from 11:45am-1:00pm (after the 10:30am Mass)
Participants: This class is for 6th-12th grade students who need any sacraments: baptism, first reconciliation, communion and confession. Parents and sponsors are welcome & encouraged to attend with their teens.
Class Description: 17 lecture style classes taught by a team of trained catechist volunteers. Modeled after the RCIA process – Inquiry, Catechumenate, Enlightenment & Mystagogy. Youth are encouraged to bring a notebook and take notes during class.
Mass Dates: Students being baptized will be brought into the church at the Easter Vigil on April 8. All other students will have a confirmation mass with the Bishop on either April 23 or April 28, 2023
Requirements: In addition to attending these short sacrament prep classes, youth are required to attend a year of youth group (Sunday nights for high school, Tuesday nights for middle school) and attend one retreat.
Process: Inquiry
Date | Lesson |
November 6 | Lesson 1: Coming to Faith |
November 13 | Lessons 2 & 3: God and His Creation & The God-Man and His Mother |
December 4 | Lesson 4: God Suffers Death |
December 11 | Lessons 5 & 6: Death Has No Victory! & The Holy Spirit |
Process: Catechumenate
Date | Lesson |
January 8 | Lesson 7: The Church |
January 22 | Lesson 8: The Glorious and Final Things! |
January 29 | Lesson 9: The Greatest Act on Earth |
February 12 | Lesson 10: Sacraments: A Personal Encounter & The Sacrament of Baptism |
February 19 | Lesson 11: The Sacrament of Confirmation |
February 26 | Lesson 12: The Most Holy Eucharist |
March 5 | Lesson 13: The Sacraments of Penance & Anointing of the Sick |
March 19 | Lessons 14 & 15: The Sacraments of Holy Orders & Matrimony |
Process: Purification/Enlightenment
Date | Lesson |
March 26 | Lesson 16: An Introduction to Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer |
April 2 | Lessons 17 & 18: Who Am I? The Law, Society, Grace and Salvation |
April 16 | Lesson 19: Loving God |
April 23 | Lessons 20 & 21: Loving Your Family! Human Dignity, Murder and Anger |
Process: Mystagogy
Date | Lesson |
April 30 | Lessons 22, 23, 24: Chastity, Stealing and Coveting & The Truth Will Set You Free! |
Baptismal or Birth Certificate: A copy of the youth's Baptismal Certificate is required for parish records. If the youth is not yet baptized, a copy of their birth certificate is required. The Baptismal Church is the church of record for your child. We are required to notify the Baptismal Church after your child receives Confirmation. If your child was baptized at Corpus Christi, please let us know and we can look up the record.
Confirmation Sponsor: Sponsors will aid the candidates in living out their Catholic faith with the help of the Holy Spirit. By their example, they will be a positive witness to the faith and offer support and spiritual guidance for the candidate.
Sponsors must meet the following requirements:
- Sponsors must not be a parent,
- Sponsors must be at least sixteen (16) years of age and mature enough to fulfill the duties of being a sponsor,
- Sponsors must be fully initiated into the Catholic faith through reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist,
- Sponsors must be in good standing with the Catholic Church and practice their faith on a regular basis - faithfully attending Mass and receiving the sacraments.
Confirmation Saint: In the Bible, conversion to following God is often symbolized by a change in name: Abram becomes Abraham, Simon becomes Peter, Saul becomes Paul. At Baptism, Catholics receive a name to symbolize their new life in Christ. At Confirmation, the candidates take a new symbolic name, that of a saint that they want to model their life after and who will be a reminder for the rest of their life, of their Confirmation. (If you would like, you can choose to keep your own Baptismal name at Confirmation after doing research on the saint for whom your parents named you.)