ACES Classes for Men and Women
Join Jack and Karen Henz, our parish’s husband-and-wife catechist team: Certified Catechist Trainers and graduates of the Kino Catechetical Institute. Learn the truth about your faith from an adult perspective, where your questions are discussed and answered. A mature adult Catholic faith is a blend of both "head" and "heart" knowledge.
The classes are focused, two-hour Bible and/or other studies, using a study guide, held over weekly sessions. Each session typically includes a video presentation from a Catholic-based organization such as Ascension Press, Word on Fire, the Augustine Institute, and others. All the video and Study Guide content is reviewed and approved by Catholic Bishops or their representatives.
Class time includes an overall group discussion of the video with prepared questions; individual questions and reflections are encouraged so everyone can learn from each other.
Online registration is required for all attendees, even if you decide not to purchase a study guide. No fee is required to join the class if you already have the book, want to share a set with someone else, or simply want to listen to the video and discussion.
A study guide, and sometimes other books, are included in the registration cost. The parish provides beverages, refreshments, and handout materials at no charge. Class registration and payment are completed online; instructors may not accept cash or checks for registration. If you cannot pay online, arrangements will be made after registration to pay by check or cash through the Parish Office.
All classes meet on Thursdays, 9:15–11:30 AM or 6:15–8:30 PM, in the Blessed Carlo Acutis Center (next to the Faith Formation Office).
Starting in January 2025, two different classes will be offered on Thursdays, in the morning and evening, for men and women.
The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ with Brant Pitre, PhD, from the Augustine Institute
10 sessions on Thursdays, 9:15–11:30 AM, starting January 23 through April 3, in the Blessed Carlo Acutis Center (next to the Faith Formation Offices).
For well over a hundred years, many scholars have questioned the historical truth of the Gospels, claiming they were originally anonymous. Some argue that Jesus of Nazareth did not believe He was God and never claimed divinity, while others even deny the existence of a historical Jesus, dismissing Him as a myth.
In The Case for Jesus, Dr. Brant Pitre examines the historical evidence supporting the authenticity of the Gospel authorship, the reality of the events they describe, and the truths they convey. By going back to the sources—biblical and historical evidence for Christ—Dr. Pitre addresses and resolves key historical and biblical questions.
Dr. Pitre demonstrates that recent discoveries in New Testament scholarship, along with overlooked evidence from ancient manuscripts and the Early Church Fathers, significantly reduce skepticism about the traditional Gospels. Above all, he reveals how the divine claims of Jesus can only be fully understood within their ancient Jewish context.
To make the most of this class, some home study is required. This includes reading selected pages from the Study Guide, the accompanying paperback, the Bible, and relevant paragraphs from the Catechism to answer study questions.
Registration Cost: $27 for a Study Kit, which includes a Study Guide from the Augustine Institute and the paperback The Case for Jesus. There is no cost to attend the class, watch the videos, and participate in discussions without purchasing books, but online registration is still required for those not purchasing the Study Kit.
Study Kits can be purchased directly from Corpus Christi online using the registration form linked above. Books will be distributed at the first class on January 23. Please reserve your copies in advance by registering early. Note: Instructors cannot accept payment by cash or check for the books in the classroom.
The Letter to the Hebrews, a video series featuring Andrew Swafford, PhD (Theology), and Jeff Cavins (Biblical Scholar) from Ascension Press, will be offered. The class will also use The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: Letter to the Hebrews by Scott Hahn and others as the Study Guide.
10 sessions on Thursdays, 6:15–8:30 PM, from February 20 through May 1, in the Blessed Carlo Acutis Center (next to the Faith Formation Offices).
Amazingly, the Letter to the Hebrews offers an early summary of the entire Christian faith—almost like a mini-catechism, originating from the first generation of Christians. It stands as an early witness to the faith of those who knew the Apostles and their close associates.
In 70 AD, the Romans destroyed the ancient Jerusalem Temple. Besides fulfilling Jesus’ prophecy (Mt 24 and Mk 13), this event marked the definitive end of the Old Covenant and the ushering in of the New Covenant. The Temple was as central to Jewish life as having the Vatican, the White House, Wall Street, and the Supreme Court combined. Its destruction profoundly changed Jewish life forever.
With the Incarnation of Christ, humanity was granted access to the New Covenant foretold by the prophets in the Old Testament. The long-awaited fulfillment of the Old Covenant had arrived, and nowhere in Scripture is this better described in detail than in the Letter to the Hebrews.
A Modern Question to Reflect On:
Do today’s Catholic teachings align with the beliefs held by the writer of this letter? If not, how do they differ, and how can we know?
Topics discussed by Dr. Swafford and Jeff Cavins include:
- Who is Jesus? If God created the Levitical priesthood through Aaron, why is Jesus described as belonging to the “order of Melchizedek” rather than the Levites?
- How does Jesus fulfill His promise to remain with us, even though He ascended to the Father over 2,000 years ago?
- How do our friends and relatives remain spiritually active in our lives after they die?
- How do the Levitical priesthood, Jewish rites of sacrificial worship, priestly laws, Mosaic Law, the Temple, the Torah, and the Tabernacle prefigure what Jesus fulfilled? Did Jesus replace them entirely?
Registration Cost: $13 for The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: Letter to the Hebrews (Scripture, commentary, notes, and study questions), RSV-2CE, 2010.
Note: You do not need to purchase this book if you already own The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: Old & New Testament (2024) or The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: New Testament (2010), both by Scott Hahn and others.
Optional Reading: Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture: Hebrews by Mary Healy (2016), $19.
There is no cost to attend the class, watch the videos, or participate in the discussions without purchasing books. However, online registration is still required for all participants.
Books can be purchased directly from Corpus Christi using the registration form linked above. They will be distributed during the first class on February 20. Please reserve your copies in advance by registering early.
Note: Instructors cannot accept cash or check payments for books in the classroom.