OCIA - Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

Have you been searching for God in your life?

Perhaps you have wondered if God exists and if so, if you can be in relationship with him.  Yes, you can.  God has been pursuing you all of your life and desires to draw close to you.  In and through Jesus and through the Catholic Church you can enter into a lifelong personal relationship with God. 

What is the OCIA?

The Orderof Christian Initiation is for adults who after having heard of the saving love of God, freely seek God and desire to live a life of faith in God and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts.  It is a spiritual journey whereby participants become acquainted with the Christian way of life through encountering the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church, along with acquiring a sense in which Jesus Christ saves us from our sins.

OCIA involves encountering the Word of God, worshiping together, and serving others, all within the Church community.

In a nutshell, OCIA is a time of formation and guidance aimed at training the participants in the Christian life, whereby they receive the sacraments of initiation.

Who is the OCIA for?

Formation in the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is for:

  • unbaptized adults who desire to become Catholic
  • adult Christians baptized in another faith who desire to become Catholic
  • adult baptized Catholics who have not received the sacrament of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) and have not been confirmed

How long is the OCIA process?

The process of Christian initiation varies from person to person according to the circumstances that surrounds his or her life.  Therefore, the OCIA is suited to each person's spiritual journey.

By means of sacred rites celebrated at successive times, participants are led into the life of faith, worship, and charity belonging to the people of God.  The formation process is a personalized spiritual formation program tailored to meet your needs and goals and the Catholic Church's expectations.  Each person's circumstances are taken into account and therefore, nothing can be settled ahead of time.