Weekly Reflection
Respect Life Sunday
10-06-2024 | Jen Arnold, M.A.Editor’s Note: This piece discusses abortion — a topic that can bring up many emotions for people. No matter what your story is or where you are in your journey, we want you to know that God loves you and the Church loves you. If you are dealing with anger, sadness, shame, fear— or are hurting in any way — resulting from a connection to abortion, Jesus desires healing, wholeness, and restoration for you. If you or someone you know needs help finding healing and hope after an abortion, please contact Rachel's Vineyard at 877-467-3463 or the National Hotline for Abortion Recovery at 866-482-5433. Additional information is available at rachelsvineyard.org.
AZ Catholic Bishops Statement Opposing Proposition 139
As Catholic Bishops of Arizona we want to express our strong opposition to Proposition 139.
Pastoral Council Opening
If you are a parishioner interested in serving as a member of the Pastoral Council, please email Fr. Rey and our current Pastoral Council President, Stanly Kulangara with one or two paragraphs about yourself and why you are interested.
SVdP Cool Coats Drive
Coats, sweaters (in all sizes) and blankets will be collected throughout October and donated to SVdP’s Ministry to the homeless.
The New Day Journal Group: A Journey from Grief to Healing
At Corpus Christi Catholic Church (Cry Room)